Explaining and predicting the ocean conveyor

Generating a new concept of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), its function in the Earth system and how it impacts weather and climate

Spotlight topics

Mooring buoys2 © E Frajka Williams
What is the AMOC?

The AMOC or Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation is a large-scale circulation pattern in the ocean. It is responsible for northward transport of heat equivalent to 1 million power plants.

Mooring buoys on the back deck © E Frajka Williams
AMOC variability and climate

Fluctuations in the AMOC are responsible for changing the distribution of heat, carbon and other properties within the ocean, with knock-on effects for atmospheric circulation and climate.

Reconstructing the past

How do scientists know how the ocean and climate has varied in the distant past when observations only go back 70 years or so? The answer is in the mud at the bottom of the ocean.

Leaving Nuuk
In the NW Atlantic

Expedition MSM121 carried out important work at the Flemish Cap in the NW Atlantic in Sept-Oct 2023. Check out our expedition blog from the team on board RV Maria S. Merian

Latest news from EPOC

Back from the deep

Back from the deep! Article by Pete Brown (NOC), Sunke Trace-Kleeberg (U.Southampton) & Sara Fowell (NOC) As part of EPOC, first steps have been undertaken in understanding how new biogeochemical (BGC) sensors can contribute to and improve our understanding of the large-scale

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First EPOC newsletter out!

The first EPOC newsletter is out! Reflecting on progress over the past 12 months, this first edition of the biannual EPOC newsletter focuses on our recent AMOC observational activities, as well as a round up of recent meetings and workshops. Happy reading!

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