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Back from the deep

Back from the deep! Article by Pete Brown (NOC), Sunke Trace-Kleeberg (U.Southampton) & Sara Fowell (NOC) As part of EPOC, first steps have been undertaken

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Workshops, meetings & conferences

EPOC Second Annual Meeting
University of Reading, UK, 18-20 September 2024
Open to EPOC project partners only
CLIVAR workshop on Improving Modelling of the AMOC
Exeter, UK, 23-25 Sept 2024
Full details here
-------- PAST EVENTS --------
Workshop on Meeting AMOC Observation Needs in a Changing Climate 

Hamburg, 18-20 July 2023
Full details here


AMOC Webinar Series

The AMOC webinar series ran March-June 2023. Presentations are available to watch online – see here for full details.