A new monthly webinar series, focused on advances in AMOC science, kicks off in March 2023. Featuring AMOC researchers from around the globe, the series builds towards the CLIVAR workshop on ‘Meeting AMOC Observation Needs in a Changing Climate‘, which takes place in Hamburg, Germany on 18-20 July 2023.
The new webinar series is coordinated by the CLIVAR AMOC Task Team in collaboration. with the EPOC project. Most sessions feature two guest speakers – for the full speaker lineup and schedule please visit the webinar webpage. The sessions are open to everyone, but pre-registration is required to access the joining instructions for each session. Archive recordings will be available to view for those who missed the live show, or want to re-watch a session.
The series kicks off on 21 March 2023 with Rebecca Hummels from GEOMAR presenting on ‘Observations of the boundary currents and AMOC at 11°S – the TRACOS array’.