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Unpacking and preparing

26 September 2023

Blog entry by Ilmar Leimann and Maria-Jesus Rapanague

In the end, we were not lucky to see the Northern Lights again. Since we left Nuuk and Greenland’s national waters, preparations have been underway for the scientific work that will take place in the upcoming weeks. All possible devices and their components have been removed from the shipping containers. Everything needs to be double-checked: Are all the screws tight enough? Is the device software up to date? Are there any damages due to transportation?

In addition, the threat of COVID-19 has not disappeared from the world. From time to time, there are new infections here and there, and even people on the ship are not entirely safe. Nevertheless, on the positive side, we have learned from previous years how to deal with it, so we can continue with our preparations.

As already mentioned in the previous blog post, our scientific work is currently scheduled to begin south of Newfoundland, at Grand Banks. As we head in this direction, we will make a brief stop in St. John’s because we need additional equipment for our moorings.

In the coming days, we will open “Science on board” section of this expedition blog, where we will introduce you to some of the devices we are using and deploying, describe how we gather the data, and explain why. So, stay tuned!

unpacking measurement devices for mooring
Unpacking measurement devices for mooring. Image © E. Frajka-Williams
Stefan and Reiner preparing the CTD © Eleanor Frajka-WIlliams
Stefan and Reiner preparing the CTD. Image © E.Frajka-WIlliams
unpacking mooring equipment on deck © Eleanor Frajka-WIlliams
Unpacking mooring equipment on deck. Image © Eleanor Frajka-WIlliams
mooring releases © Lara Aschenbeck
Mooring releases. Image © Lara Aschenbeck

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